At the moment, we are rehearsing with two musicians. Looping makes it very fun to switch instruments mid-song. Hopefully this will keep our performances different from show to show.
We would be very open to using the Session view Looping function, however without the ability to Overdub audio into a Loop we created, we are forced to use the Looper plugin.
All Loopers can be Overdubbed infinite times. There is an Undo function for each Looper that will Undo, then Redo the last Overdub. This is perfect for recording a simple loop, then Overdubbing a larger chorus loop which can then be taken away for Verse 2 with the Undo feature. Undo pressed again would bring back the Overdub.
DataLooper Pedal
In order to control our Looper plugins, we have chosen to use the DataLooper Pedal. Some of the biggest selling points were the power via USB, the straightforward layout, as well as the visual indications of Looper status (which pulses with the BPM of Ableton):
Dim = empty
Red = Record
Green = Play
Yellow = Overdub
Blue = Stop
Dim, Green, Blue
Red, Blue, Yellow
DataLooper Channels are setup with Folders, again giving more flexibility when routing audio.
DataLooper Channels
Looper Recorder Channels
One of the drawbacks of using the Looper plugin with Ableton while recording the performance in the Arrangement view, is the way Looper channels record. They don’t (at least as far as we know - please let us know a better workaround: Garrett@AllintheTrunk.com).
To get around that, we’ve setup a channel for each Looper Plugin we are using (12 for this set).
The input is set to listen to each Looper’s channel output and the Recorder Track Folder is muted during recording so we don’t double the output of the loop. It can be unmuted later during mix.
These tracks are simply there to capture the output of the Loopers.
Looper Recorder Channels
DataLooper Customization:
The pedal is extremely flexible, and can be customized to fit many needs. The stock setup is in 3 Presets of 3 Loopers. There are 40 Preset options available which can be changed a number of ways, including Program Control changes via Ableton.
We’ve opted to swap the order of the Presets using the Config webpage on the DataLooper website. Connect the DataLooper to the computer and you can easily change the programming, as well as update firmware.
The pedal comes stock with Looper #1 being nearest you on the bottom row, and #3 being furthest at the top row:
Looper #3
Looper #2
Looper #1
We’ve swapped this out so that #1 is on top and #3 bottom:
Looper #1
Looper #2
Looper #3
This seems like a small change, but it’s one that has really helped in communication, especially as we have different artists using this same setup. When writing Presets down on whiteboards/setlists, the order was always #1 on top. Having the pedal match order that made things much easier to communicate.
Rig Rundown | Interface | Ins and Outs | Computer | Ableton | Looper | Presets | Routing | Lighting